Pirate Game Turn Phases

Each turn, the referee – or a designated shouter – should give the following instructions. After each instruction, resolve all the results, and go on to the next instruction.

“Turn 10 is starting. The wind is (still) strong, blowing from the East.”
(Of course, substitute the correct turn number and wind data.)

“Please write your orders.”
(Wait a bit, and ask: “Has anyone not written orders?”)

“All initiative 1 ships, please execute your move.”
(Wait a bit, and ask: “Has anyone not moved?”)

“All initiative 2 ships, you may rewrite the last half of your orders.”

“All initiative 2 ships, please execute your move.”
(Wait a bit, and ask: “Has anyone not moved?”)

“All initiative 3 ships, please write your orders.”

“All initiative 3 ships, please execute your move.”
(Wait a bit, and ask: “Has anyone not moved?”)

“Anyone have cannon fire?”

“Anyone have figure movement?”

“Anyone have musket or pistol fire?”

“Anyone attacking with cold steel?”

“Anyone have damage control?”

“Time for the sharks to move!”

(And, of course, to eat.)

“Turn 10 is over. Turn 11 is starting…”

Where to now?

These rules are not licensed or approved by The LEGO Group.
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2010, 2011 and used with Steve Jackson’s permission.

40504 A Minifigure Tribute LEGO set

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