Category: Harbours/Trading Posts

“Armada Port” by BrickHammer – LEGO Ideas Team Review Results

“Assassin’s Creed – Venice 1486” by Barthezz Brick

“The Explorer Fleet” by Legostein

“Caswell Point” by Piraten

The winner of the LEGO 90th Anniversary: Pirate Theme Celebrations is…

“Tortuga? Aye, Tortuga” by SlyOwl

“Beauchamp Shipyard Offices, Logistics, and Administration” by CapOnBOBS

“Paraiso Bay” by NOD

“Drydock, Beauchamp Shipyard” by CapOnBOBS

“Free Vane and burn Nassau to the ground” by Mpyromaxos

“On the road to Pamu” by Bregir

“Intriguing Visitors” by Ayrlego