Bricks `N Pieces Magazine – Summer 1989

Bricks ‘n Pieces magazine was the official magazine of the UK LEGO Club and the Summer 1989  issue featured a lot of  Pirate LEGO material.

If you want to discuss these magazine scans or contribute, please do so LEGO Pirates Forum.

Page Scans

Page 1 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989 Page 2 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989 Page 3 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989
Page 4 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989  Page 5 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989 Page 6 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989
Page 7 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989  Page 8 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989 Page 9 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989
Page 10 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989  Page 11 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989 Page 12 - Bricks `N Pieces - Summer 1989
Click on the above thumbnails to view larger versions


Have something to say about these magazine scans? Share your thoughts in the Bricks `N Pieces – Summer 1989 thread in the LEGO Pirates forum


Many thanks to TalonCard for providing these scans – you should thank him too!

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