Our LEGO Ambassador project to design a brand NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-Theme is progressing very well! We’re well into design torsos for the Haven Guard so check out some of the latest submissions: Got a design you’d like to submit? Want to leave feedback on the existing designs? Visit the Haven Guard Torso & Flag […]
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After discussing potential Haven Guard and Merchant flag designs we’re putting it to a vote to decide which flag is most appropriate. To make your life easier we’ve created a flag generator to enable you to experiment with different combinations of flag backgrounds and emblems. So chose the three combinations you like the most […]
Read More…Vote for the Haven Guard Flag

After conducting a series of polls (first poll & second poll) we have determined the faction guarding The Merchants harbour name shall be named “Haven Guard” and their torso colour shall be dark orange. So now we’re taking submission for torso and flag designs, here are some torso designs which have already been submitted. […]
Read More…Haven Guard Torsos and Flag

The West Brick Trading Company has been voted as the most popular choice for a new LEGO Pirate Sub-theme so need exciting set ideas! If you’ve got a concept for a Merchant, Smuggler or Haven Guard set share it with us in the LEGO Pirates Forum. If you’d like to help us shape our […]
Read More…LEGO Ambassador Project – Suggest Set Ideas
We’ve collated our sub-theme suggestions so here are some quick teasers of the poll options… The West Brick Trading Company The Merchants of the West Brick Trading Company hail from the bustling Port van Brickhaven which boasts more trade than the Imperial Trading Post… But the Merchants must be on guard or the LEGO Pirates will […]
Read More…Vote for the new LEGO Pirates Sub-Theme
Hello mateys! Time for another update on the Design a NEW LEGO Pirate Sub-Theme project! Since the last update, there has been substantial progress. If you haven’t yet heard of the project, please visit the Project Overview thread. If you haven’t read the first update, you can find it here.It has only been a couple days since the […]
Read More…Design NEW LEGO Pirate Sub-Theme: Update 2
Ahoy there mates! It has only been 12 days since the launch of the Design A NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-Theme project and there has already been a quite substantial amount of progress. The Design A NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-Themes project was initiated by the Classic-Pirates LEGO Ambassador, Mister Phes. He, along with a few other […]
Read More…Design A NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-Theme: Update 1
Have you ever wanted the LEGO Group to produce a particular sub-theme for the LEGO Pirates theme? Well now’s your chance to submit suggestions! We will develop prototype sets for the most popular suggestions and send the concepts to the LEGO Group via the LEGO Ambassador Program. First checkout the Project Overview thread and then… […]
Read More…Suggest a NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-Theme!
We are now taking expressions of interest from those wish to participate in the creation of a NEW LEGO Pirates Sub-theme. The object is to produce a new LEGO Pirates sub-theme which will be submitted to the LEGO Group via the LEGO Ambassador Project. A couple of the larger sets could also be submitted as […]
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Greeting LEGO Pirate Fanatics! The LEGO Group thanks you for your feedback, and hereby share top line, aggregated results of the last quarterly LEGO Fan Survey which was conducted in Sept/Oct 2012. This survey was much shorter than the extensive May 2012 survey. The goals for the survey were to gauge fan social engagement and […]
Read More…Official LEGO Survey – Third Quarter 2012 – RESULTS!!!
Greeting LEGO Pirate Fanatics! The LEGO Group highly values your feedback, so thank you in advance for answering this survey. Please answer by Friday December 21, as they would like to finish data collection before Christmas. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. All of your responses will be confidential and […]
Read More…Official LEGO Survey – Fourth Quarter 2012
The results are in! Remember the LEGO Pirates Animal Battle Pack Survey we conducted a few months back? The data has been collated and analysed so now we have presentation to share. Discover the most popular new LEGO animal as suggested by our community members! Visit the Survey Presentation thread in the LEGO Pirates Forum!
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LAST 24 HOURS!!! This is your FINAL chance to submit your own LEGO Pirates Animal Battle Pack. And remember, you may submit one Battle Pack per week. So if you submitted one last week, submit another this week. Get yourself to the Animal Battle Pack FAQ thread RIGHT NOW!
Read More…LAST 24 HOURS to submit your Battle Packs!
We bring you an all new LEGO Ambassador Survey! This time we want YOU to determine what would make the ultimate LEGO Pirates Animal Battle Pack. You may choose from a selection of existing animals or some NEW proposed animals. But like everything there are rules to ensure things don’t get out of order. So […]
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