Admiral Croissant

Admiral Croissant has been a member of since December 8th 2008. He has been living in the Netherlands for his entire life. That life isn’t very long yet, he was born in 1991. He believes his first set was probably the Shipwrecked pirate (1713) and he also has the armada flagship and some other small sets. But the pirate’s theme wasn’t his favourite yet. He didn’t really have a favourite theme at the time.

At around 2000, ships became a very prominent hobby in his life, probably after watching the movie ‘master and commander: the far side of the world’. And now he has his room full of books about ships. He has also visited several replica ships, like the ‘Shtandart’, the ‘Batavia’ and the ‘Amsterdam’. And if that wasn’t enough already, he has also made about 5 model ships. His other hobbies are playing soccer, hanging around on, WW1, history, ice skating, reading comics and drawing.

He has kept an eye on classic-pirates for about 4 years to see the ships, just after a small dark age. Later on, he also showed the site to his friend Captain Blackmoor, who became a member immediately. After some encouragements from him, Croissant joined the forum as well.
After some more encouragements (because it would be quite expansive and time-consuming), he also started with his first MOC ship, the Vesta, which was first called ‘Unité’ and after that ‘Aigle’. This ship is currently on display at the maritime museum in Sneek, Holland. Other projects are in the make, but only very slowly. In the meantime, Croissant is an active supporter of the Bluecoats cause.

In January 2010 he became part of the classic-pirates crew as a blogger. In the course of about 3 years he worked himself up to the position of Pirate Moderator.

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