The Classic Pirates have resurrected the Mailing List and we want YOUR suggestions for exclusive Email content you’d like to receive.
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The Classic Pirates have resurrected the Mailing List and we want YOUR suggestions for exclusive Email content you’d like to receive.
Read More…Recently the question was ask what type of ship the Black Seas Barracuda is? Got an opinion … Join the conversation
Read More…Brick built sails vs Cloth sails? The question was posed over in the Pirate Forum and we would love to hear your thoughts too! Whats better, what do you prefer, how do you like seeing one or the other? Have some pictures to help your opinion … Post them! So dont delay … Come Join […]
Read More…Shiver me timbers! TLG has officially announced the press release of 70810 MetalBeard’s Sea Cow. This set is full of great parts that any Pirate fan would want! Check out the full press release and discuss it in our 2014 Pirates Rumors thread!
Read More…First we debated, “LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, was it true?” Then we all pondered aloud, “Would that theme be any good?” Then we asked, “Are we excited?” And finally we question, “How will Pirates of the Caribbean compare to the ‘classic pirates’ theme?!” Now the debate has turned again. One has to wonder, “Will […]
Read More…Our PotC themes discusssion thread may seem a little bit confusing with 111 pages, so here are some interesting new finds: Two trailers of the new LEGO video game: here and here. There is going to be a mysterious wooden Jack Sparrow minifigure. There are a few reviews already on a Russian forum (in Russian, […]
Read More…Eurobricks member Andre1989nl shares the official trailer for the upcoming movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” with us. A very promising movie to look forward to! Mermaids, zombies, Blackbeard and many more dangers on the road to the “Fountain of Youth”! Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: captures the fun, adventure and […]
Read More…As you may recall, we the members of have a reason to believe that LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean line will be released some time in the future. It’s also been stated that the POTC: On Stranger Tides movie (which is to be released next year) will include some Spanish characters, ships and locations. […]
Read More…Many of us, the fans of LEGO Pirates, have those gold coins that are included in many Pirate sets. They come in values of 10, 20, 30 and 40. Have you ever tried adding all of your coins up, like real money, to find out how rich you are? Some users have already done […]
Read More…The Brickworld event is coming up! And of course it includes pirate displays! The event starts on Thursday, June 17. And it ends on Sunday, June 20. The event is held in the Westin Hotel in Wheeling, Illinois. Just like the previous years. And of course you can display your own Pirate MOC! You have to signup, and register your MOC. […]
Read More…Classic Pirates is pleased to announce that there will be a prize awarded for the 2010 Community Build….6239 Cannon Battle! Discuss the prize in the 2010 Community Build Topic!
Read More…Eurobricks and member curtisrlee has made an interesting discovery which could well be th start of a firely discussion! Are the new 2009 Pirate sets made from inferior plastic? Is there weak ink going into the printers? Or is it just his parts? Let us know your opinion in the Pirate forum.
Read More…There we have the Missing Anchor! A small, highly detailed ship made by the good builder NewRight! The ship has a mystery on board concerning it’s anchor, as the name tells us, it is missing! With strange angles and new building techniques on such a small ship you really have to check it out! Hurry to […]
Read More… LEGO Ambassador Bonaparte brings us sad news this time. The pirates line will discontinue in the middle of 2010! Lucky enough it is a break, which means the Pirate theme will come back sometime in the future. But for how long do we have to wait? Some people think it will be a year, other […]
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