Selecting a MOC

Considerations when selecting a MOC

All MOCs posted in the LEGO Pirates MOC Sub Forum and Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum will be automatically imported into as draft posts.

While you’re an inexperienced blogger, it is recommended you start a new post from scratch and source MOCs from elsewhere.

Only after you gain sufficient blogging experience, should prepare one of these imported posts for publishing.

Either way you’ll need to ensure the MOC you’re publishing meets standards.

Has it already been posted on this Platform?

Don’t be a fool and waste your time posting MOCs which have already been posted on the same platform! If you think the MOC is fantastic you may attempt improve upon the existing post, but for the love of the wart on Redbeard’s right testicle, don’t create an entirely new post!

If you’re uncertain whether a MOC has been previously posted, search for it among the existing blog posts or look through the Classic Pirates Social Media profile, of the platform you’re posting to.

But remember it’s fine to blog a MOC that’s already been posted on different platform. For example; you can blog MOCs that have been posted on Instagram, providing they haven’t been previously blogged.

Is it well built?

We only want to post the best of the best! That doesn’t mean only post the biggest and most impressive MOCs, but it does mean the MOCs have to be skillfully constructed. They can’t look look like something a drunken monkey has slapped together. So ask yourself, does this build look professionally built?

Look at the homepage or Classic Pirates Instagram account to give you an indication of the caliber of MOCs we expect.

Is the MOC Finished?

Sometimes builders will share their Works In Progress [WIP] and gradually a new photos of the MOC over the duration of the builder. Don’t be a fool and blog these MOCs because the builder will often provide superior images once they have finished work.  So you’ll be wasting your time going back and updating the post when you discover there are better images available.

Is it well presented?

One of the most painful experiences you’ll encounter when blogging is discovering MOCs which are well built but poorly photographed.

If there is not at least one well presented photo to use as a Featured Image, DO NOT blog it!

Instead, if possible, contact the builder and tell them they’re stupid for wasting such potential on bad photography, ask them if higher quality photos are available. Or simply find another MOC.

Avoid photos which are…

  1. Small!
    What are the dimensions of the image? (Height and width) The minimum dimensions for a image is 1080 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high.
  2. Low Quality
    Are the images high quality? Or is there some kind of interference which is distorting them like; blurriness, graininess, lines, too dark, too bright, the colours are off balance, etc?
  3. Have distractions which are not relevant to the MOC.
    Can you see the builder’s bedroom in the background? We don’t want that on our blog! Photos should ideally have plain coloured backgrounds, backgrounds professional composited with software (the editing must look professional) or photographed against a diorama or natural background which suits the MOC.
  4. Poorly Framed
    Is the MOC well positioned within the frame?  Or are vital parts of it outside the shot? Does the angle look awkward? Has the camera been zoomed too far in? Has the camera been zoomed too far out?

Can Some Photos Be Saved?

Yes! If you have photo editing skills then you may correct certain imperfections to make the photo usable. Particularly in the case of correcting colour imbalance or cropping photos which are zoomed too far out.  But, some photos are beyond saving, especially if they’re low quality.

Other photos may not be perfect and not suited as Featured Images, but may work as supporting images in the body of your Post Description.

Examples of Photos to Avoid

Here are a selection of MOCs which should not be blogged due to insufficient photo quality. If you see your own MOCs here, yes we are picking on you. This is your harsh reminder to improve your presentation skills!

LEGO Pirate Photo - Bad Example 01

Bad Angle. Terrible Lighting.

LEGO Pirate Photo - Bad Example 01

Too blurry!

LEGO Pirates Photo - Bad Example 04

Too grainy. Slightly out of focus.

LEGO Pirates Photo - Bad Example 03

Zoomed too far out for a Featured Image. Colours need correcting.
Could be salvaged if you have photo editing skills.

LEGO Pirates Photo - Bad Example 05

Here you get a good look at the builder’s house – we don’t want to see this!

ARRRG! More builder’s house in the background and the photo looks awkwardly cropped.

LEGO Pirate Photo - Bad Example 07

Photo quality too low. Could be salvaged with colour adjustment and background removal.

LEGO Pirates Photo - Bad Example 06

This image is far too small and the colours need balancing to reduce the yellow tinge.

Where do I find suitable MOCs to Post?

Always prioritize MOCs posted in the LEGO Pirates MOC Subforum and Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum as we wish to reward our forum members by demonstrating their contributions will be featured in favour of MOCs sourced externally.

The exception is when a popular MOC is trending on Social Media because we want to capitalize on the MOC’s popularity. So therefore such a MOC should be posted sooner, rather than later.

MOCs outside the LEGO Pirates Forum

However, there may be times when the outstanding MOCs in the LEGO Pirates Forum have already been posted, in which case you will need to be source MOCs from elsewhere.

Here are a list of external sources:

But don’t limit yourself to the above list – you may blog MOCs from wherever you please providing the photography meets the required standards.

But Remember when Blogging on Swashbuckler Level!

Each blog post must have a corresponding topic in the LEGO Pirates MOC Subforum. So if a topic does not currently exist, you’ll need to create one.

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