6276 Eldorado Fortress

Package Stories

6276 Eldorado Fortress



Sometime during the 18th century, a
peaceful colony of settlers enjoying the island
treasures they discovered, suddenly had their
serenity interrupted. The invaders were those
who called themselves the LEGOLANDâ„¢ Pirates
of the Sea! For years, the Pirates had been
searching for the same buried treasure that the
settlers were now claiming as their own. This, of
course, disturbed the Pirates as they knew the
doubloons (Spanish gold coins) the settlers found
had belonged to their ancestors.

Knowing that the Pirates would come
looking for the gold, Governor Broadside,
governor of the settler colony, sent a message to
all of his men to meet him at the Eldorado Fortress.

It was in the Fortress that the Governor
made plans to protect the settlers treasure.
Beneath the Fortress floor was a passage way.
It was there that the Governor decided the gold
should be kept so that it would be safe from the
Pirates. Part of his plan was to unload the gold
from the ship, the Caribbean Clipper, and move
it to the Fortress. He wondered what adventures
lay ahead…

Use your imagination to continue
The Adventures of the LEGOLANDâ„¢ Pirates
of the Sea!

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