A brand new interactive feature that informs you of job vacancies in the Classic Pirates community
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A brand new interactive feature that informs you of job vacancies in the Classic Pirates community
Read More…Governor Mister Phes has just launched the new skin for the Pirate forum! A major overhaul, the new skin has incorporated the latest technology. The banner changes every few hours, according to the time of day. It has a social media widget built in, and direct links to Classic-Pirates.com on different social media profiles. Also, […]
Read More…After long deliberaton and drinking many a bottle of rum, the Classic-Pirates.com crew has chosen reinforcements. We are very glad to present you our newest crewmembers: Walt and darkdragon! They will put their writing and computer skills into practice by blogging all the great stuff that our forums may offer. We would like to thank […]
Read More…Since our beloved Admiral Zorro (Dieter de Vos) passed away last month, we, the staff and volunteers of Classic-Pirates, would like to honor him with an invitation to all members to create a MOC honoring Zorro. Nice MOC’s will get enough attention and will probably be frontpaged. Zorro rose money for famous contests like Pillage […]
Read More…Captain Blackmoor and Big Cam have been promoted! Captain Blackmoor is the new Pirate Regulator, one of the highest “pirate ranks”. Big Cam is the new Shipyard Master in Blackmoor’s place. Shipyard Master is the highest rank of the Shipyardigans. So be nice to these guys as they are the managers now, and the administers […]
Read More…Our Shipyard Master Captain Zuloo is taking a break from his duties on Classic-Pirates.com due to time constraints. He will still be around on the forums and continue his successful interview series. In the name of Classic-Pirates.com I thank him for his appreciated contributions.
Read More…Due to the continuous expansion of Classic-Pirates.com, we are looking for a fresh, devoted blogger. Please be certain that you want this before responding since it takes a lot of time and effort from us to train a new blogger. Requirements will be: One must be able to understand and write decent English (very important!) […]
Read More…Readers, Classic-Pirates.com is currently undergoing some scheduled maintainance. During this time, some features of the site may be unavailable for use, however Pirates forum operations will proceed as usual. We thank you for your cooperation in the matter, and we will endeavour to have the site returning to normal as soon as possible. Regards, Captain […]
Read More…General Armendariz, the brickflick genius pressed into the Classic-Pirates.com crew, has treated us with another oscar-winning motion picture: Shipyard Shenanigans, Episode One: “Last words, either way.” It tells the humorous story of a man’s last words as his ship crumbles into the sea – but I won’t spoil the surprise; be sure to grab some […]
Read More…Our LEGO® Ambassador Bonaparte is celebrating his 33rd birthday today! All the best mate, may you recieve lots of LEGO goodies and a happy day with your friends and family. Come and wish Bonaparte a happy birthday in the forum!
Read More…Eurobricks member burf2000 known to the LEGO® community as the guy who has a LEGO girlfriend (well, almost) has kindly donated his time and web development knowledge to Classic-Pirates.com so we have another writer for the frontpage. So welcome to the crew matey, get back to work!
Read More…After our Pirate Moderator Phred left because of his work and studies and because of the constant growth of both the forum and Classic-Pirates.com, we decided to appoint a fresh Pirate Regulator to help out Slyowl and the rest of the team. Erdbeereis, as Shipyard Master, and because of his dedication and forum knowledge, was […]
Read More…With Mister Phes taking a break, the dedicated Classic-Pirates.com team has been working harder than ever to maintain our wonderful site, and strong at the helm, was Vice Admiral Zorro! Now, Vice Admiral Zorro is Admiral Zorro. Not much changes other than his rank – he’s as dedicated as anyone ever was! So hurry on […]
Read More…Over the last 24 hours Classic-Pirates.com has been having some server issues, but we have been working to rectify the issue. Classic-Pirates is back and we will resume our daily news blog from tomorrow onwards. We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you, The Classic-Pirates.com Team
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