

New Classic-Pirates contest: Bayonets at Dawn!

Click to participate into Bayonets at Dawn, a Pirate LEGO contest hosted by and Eurobricks!

Click the picture to see what beautifull bounty you can win!

Armies are on the war-path – from Blenheim to Bunker Hill to Balaclava, Leipzig to Lissa, Wagram to Waterloo, powder is readied, and sabres polished. And it’s war – and a very unhealthy trade!

Your task is to build a battle scene, based on an actual battle, as realistically as possible. The battle should have taken place between 1450 and 1880, including Spanish Conquest in the Americas and American Civil War (but hence excluding the Boer War). Pre-1450 battles in the Americas (eg. Mayan, Inca) are also allowed, as they fit the general genre, but not medieval battles of the same era (eg. knights on horseback). All “factions” are allowed. Naturally, fantasy elements are not permissible. Any queries, just ask.

Need inspiration? Check out the MOC Indexes – in particular the Land-based MOCs – a wealth of ideas and techniques to explore.

  1. The contest will run from NOW (posting time of this message!) untill May 31 2010!
  2. One entry per member; only new MOCs
  3. You must include a short description or link to evidence of the actual battle; paintings, Wikipedia etc.
  4. Full customization is allowed, including decals, string, sails, 3rd party customs (e.g. Brickarms, Brickforge). Cutting and painting are permissible, but as the contest is judged by public vote, these may not be popular. We suggest visiting The Great Pirate Torso Library and the Sail Library Resource.
  5. No clone brands or digital entries
  6. No size or minifig limit
  7. Post 6 pictures (maximum size 800×600). You can link to an external gallery, where there are no image limitations. See these tutorials for help with resizing images and deeplinking.
  8. Important: Each entry will be posted in its own thread, like you would with a normal MOC. All entry threads are to be created in the LEGO Pirates MOCs Forum. The thread title should be the title of the ENTRY. The description of the entry thread should be “Bayonets at Dawn Contest Entry”.
  9. Judging will take place by a public vote. Each person can pick their top 3 entries. This will happen by posting, not by voting in a poll.

Prizes, you say? Obviously there are prizes! Click the link below or the picture above to see them!

Want to know more? Go to our discussion and questions topic in the Pirate MOC forum!

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