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PTV ENTRY: LuxorV – Don’t make them ask twice! (small division)

Click here to go to LuxorV's small PTV entry in the Pirates forum!

LuxorV - Don't make them ask twice!

Pirates are coming from the sea. They decide to pillage the nearest village. But it’s just a small one. What a bad luck: only peasants here.

And an Inn…

To save his life and the lives of his loved ones, one of the folks tells the pirates about a secret treasure hidden in the Inn.

“The Innkeeper. He has the key” – he says.

Hunger of gold and jewels is stronger (just a little bit) than hunger of blood in these pirates. So they storm the Inn and capture the Innkeeper for asking.

“What I want you to know before we start” – says the Captain – “is that I get a really bad temper when people make me ask twice. So, where is the treasure?”

The Innkeper says: “I can grant you there’s no treasure here. It’s just that ruffian peasant. He wants to save his life, and throws me in instead!”

“That was a bad idea you had, Innkeper.” – says the Captain, with a cold grin on his face. Then, to his men: “bring in the chains!”

After a short work, and a lot of screaming and whining, the Innkeper capitulated.

“You see, it wasn’t that difficult, after all.” – grins the Captain, with golden sparkles in his eyes, while his fellow pirate goes down the rope to get the treasure…

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