The Brethren Lords have been in their counting house, counting all the votes for the Brethren of the Brick Seas ERA III: Challenge 1 – A Storm Is Brewing.
After losing their minds scratching their heads over how to resolve a couple of tied entries they’ve announced the WINNERS!
So let’s discover who’s WON the prizes!
Jeff Of Clubs writes:
Thank you to all our participants and voters! There were many great builds here to choose from! Remember, this is just the first of three challenges from the Bretheren Court so if you missed your chance here, another is on the way soon! Now, on to the business at hand. The winners as per voting.
ARRR yes, thank ye to all those who participated in the first challenge!
The Winners
Category A
Build a MOC to illustrate the happenings of in the New Haven seas…
First Place
“Finis Dierum” by Keymonus | Oleonda
Second Place
“Storm Chasers” by Bricksbypidy | Corrington
Category B
The story category – immerse the Brethren Lords in your characters and the strange occurrences of the New Haven sea.
First Place
“The Conclusion” by Fraunces | Sea Rats
Second Place
“Something About the Butcher’s Cat” by Bregir | Sea Rats
Jeff of Clubs notes:
We had a tie here with @MightyThorngren for 2nd but Bregir had an additional 1st place vote so this was used to break the tie.
That be the aforementioned tie that made them shriek in terror devised a clever solution to determine the winner.
The Prizes
The prizes be some gloriously crafted Mountain Mountain Minifigs generously sponsored by @Jeff of Clubs.

George Washing the first, second and third, all in different colours
Oh, and some pirate guy on the end
Future Challenges
If yer contemplating participating in Challenges II and III it’s highly recommended that you register a Eurobricks account NOW to ensure you’re eligible for participation and/or voting.
While specific dates have not yet been determined, to ensure voting legitimacy you will require a Eurobricks account that has been registered prior to the commencement of voting. So make that happen now so yer not running around like a chook with yer head cut off at the last minute.
Jeff of Clubs concludes:
Again, thank you all and congratulations to the winners! Another transition challenge is around the bend, so check back in soon!
That’s right, more challenges are on their way…
Follow Brethren of the Brick Seas on Instagram, or Classic Pirates on both Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on more great challenges!
What Do Yer Think?
Are yer happy with the winner selection? If not, which Challenge I entries do you think should have won? Will you be entering in the upcoming Challenge II or Challenge III?
Make yer way to the Winner Announcement topic in the Brethren of the Brick Seas forum and congratulate the winners!