The LEGO Pirate Forum’s resident pirates roll-building-game, Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) is transitioning from Era II into Era III.
In honour this prestigious occasion, the mighty Brethren Lords of the BoBS’ Brethren Court pose three challenges in which ALL fans of LEGO Pirates may participate! And WIN LEGO PRIZES…
And if you’re unfamiliar with the wonder of BoBS, keep reading because full game details and MOCs created especially for BoBS are sprinkled throughout this Blog Post.
The first challenge has been announced in the BoBS forum and you can join right here.
The deadline is 31 March, 2024 so take immediate action!
You are not required to be a current BoBS participant to enter, the Brethren Lords be looking for fresh blood for Era III, so if yer new to these waters, that won’t be an issue.
Challenge 1 – A Storm Brewing
A new era begins…

An example of a creation made for BoBS – “Port Royal” by Kai NRG
Let’s set the scene:
Strange events have been taking place in the New Haven sea – ships gone missing, unusual weather patterns, kraaken sightings, and billowing volcanoes – and now it’s the bravest of the brave who are venturing out to find out what’s up!

BoBS gets explosive sometimes! “Privateers” by JustSomeBrix
Category A
Build a MOC to illustrate the happenings of in the New Haven seas – no explanation leading to the events be required (but feel free to specify or speculate), just demonstrate to the Brethren Lords what is actually happening! Either sea or land-based builds be permitted, but they must take place within the New Haven Sea zones. With a maximum size of 32×32.
Category B
This be a story category – immerse the Brethren Lords in your characters, the strange occurrences of the New Haven sea, and tantalize them to discover what happens next! For this category you must introduce them to your figs (either you main character, secondary characters, or completely new ones!). Achieve however yer like; from pictures of your minifigs on a plate to a dedicated MOC or hero shots! And 2+ builds telling your story! No minimum or maximum except your ambition (and living hours time).
What be a little friendly competition without an incentive?

Here be a digital illustration of the prizes provided by Rocky Mountain Minifigs
First place winners in both categories will get their choice from four custom Brethren of the Brick Seas faction minifigures commissioned from Rocky Mountain Minifigs.
Second place winners in each category will get to choose from the remaining prize figures not selected by the first place winners.
Prizes generously sponsored by @Jeff of Clubs.

These lads mean business – check out other great designs by Rocky Mountain Minifigs
General Rules
Take heed! The Brethren Lords are keeping yer busy with a number of transition challenges (ay, this aint only one) while the fulls details and automation work for Era III are completed.

“Eslandolans on the March” by Capt Wolf
So clear yer building schedules and get hyped! In fact, become ecstatic!
A few terms of engagement general rules:
- You are not required to be a current BoBS participant to enter as Era II is winding down.
- All submissions must take place in the world of Brethren of the Brick Seas. This is a fictional world, perpetually locked in the glory days of the Age of Sail. There are strictly no steam engines or high fantasy elements in this world.
- As this is a BoBS challenge, consideration may be paid to submissions that demonstrate understanding of the rich world of BoBS – if yer need to further yer understanding, ask questions in the Challenge: A Storm Brewing topic.
- Entries must be linked in this topic/thread, and should have [TC] prefixed (Transition Challenge) to the title of your post.
- ALL entries must be new builds, yarrr blah blah, you know the routine.
- Prizes: First place winners in both categories will get their choice from four custom Brethren of the Brick Seas minifigures commissioned from Rocky Mountain Minifigs.Second place winners in each category will get to choose from the remaining prize figures not selected by the first place winners. See above spoiler for mockup of figures. Digital entries are allowed and will be judged together with the physical entries
If yer require clarification of the rules or have a question, make yer way to the Challenge: A Storm Brewing topic and let’s get acquainted!
What Is BoBS?
Brethren of the Brick Seas is a forum-based role playing game in which players build MOCs and create Minifigure characters to contribute to an overarching narrative set in the fictitious Brick Seas.

“Prideof Pontelli” by Captain Braunsfeld
The game has been running for the better part of a decade and is currently undergoing a revamp to keep it fresh and exciting for the decades ahead. If yer need a complete overview, start at the BoBS Master Index and then read Jameis Farstrider’s Guide to Halos for an overview of the BoBS universe.
So NOW is the best time to jump on board!
What Do Yer Think?
Is Brethren of the Brick Seas something yer be interested in? Do yer have questions about participating in the challenges? Do yer have question about the BoBS role playing game itself?

“Reunited With The Fleet” by EvanCelt
Well, get asking in the Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum for the 31 March, 2024 deadline is looming!
Exciting times lie ahead!