6285 Black Seas Barracuda & 6274 Caribbean Clipper reviews by Lorentzen


6285 Black Seas Barracuda & 6274 Caribbean Clipper reviews by Lorentzen

6285 Black Seas Barracuda - a LEGO Pirates set reviewed by Lorentzen

A classic set...

6274 Caribbean Clipper - a LEGO Pirates set reviewed by Lorentzen

...and another classic set!

Classic-Pirates.com user Lorentzen has reviewed the first two ships ever released in LEGO Pirates theme – both back from 1989! Those beauties are the vessels that started it all, and today are still loved by AFOLs all over the world. So don’t hesitate to read those truly excellent reviews, with lots of superb quality pictures!

Read and discuss 6285 Black Seas Barracuda review by Lorentzen!

Read and discuss 6274 Caribbean Clipper review by Lorentzen!

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