

Wouwie and Skipper24 Promoted!

Click here to offer your congratulations to Skipper24 and Wouwie!

Who’s up for another round of promotions? Wouwie and Skipper24 have certainly been doing more than their fair share of work around, so we decided it only fair to offer them promotions! So now their ranks are as follows:

  • Wouwie – Senior Editor
  • Skipper24 – News Editor

As well as these special ranks, there are special contests run for workers in a hidden forum called ‘The Shipyard’ to reward all our volunteers for their hard efforts! If you’re interested in becoming part of the team and feel that you could meet requirements to either do Web Design, Graphic Design or Video Editing, then keep a sharp eye out on the horizon for a vacant position in the Pirate Forum!

So come on over to the forum to
congratulate these scallywags

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