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NEW – Creative Critic Mini-Contest

Of all the participants of the Pillage the Village Contest the Creative Critics have the most arduous task – providing feedback for as many entries as they possibly can.  This is no doubt exhausting after all these weeks so we want to give the Creative Critics a little something extra…

Another Prize!

The first entrant to write 20 post of feedback (has to be a solid paragraph) before Friday 28th of November will win a 6257 Castaway’s Raft.

Creative Critic Mini-Contest - Prize 6257 Castaways Raft

Creative Critic Mini-Contest Prize - 6257 Castaway's Raft (actual prize)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Entrants must have registered in the Creative Critic Award thread to participate.
  2. The winner will be the first entrant to accumulated 20 posts of feedback.
    • Each post must be a solid paragraph and therefore a few short sentences strung together will not be counted.
    • Spam will result in immediate disqualification.
  3. Only feedback left between Friday 21st (00:00 GMT) of November through till Friday 28th (00:00 GMT).
    • Feedback left before and after those times will not be taken into consideration for the Mini-Contest.
    • The contest ends as soon as the first entrant reaches 20 posts of solid feedback.
    • If none of the entrants have accumulated 20 posts by Friday 28th (00:00 GMT) then nobody wins the prize.
  4. The Staff will determine whether the feedback posts meet contest requirements.  Their decision is final.

Who May Enter?

  • All forum Users and Volunteers. (Providing they’ve registered in the Creative Critic Award thread)
  • Eurobricks and Staff may sit and watch gleefully, but not participate.

The really good stuff!

Entering in the Mini-Contest also has strategical benefits:

  1. The winner of the Mini-Contest is also elligble to win the final Creative Critic Prizes, meaning entrants could win two prizes!
  2. Feedback left in the Mini-Contest WILL BE counted towards the final Creative Critic prizes.  So make the feedback good!
  3. Entrants ARE NOT required to have left prior feedback to enter so newcomers are very welcome!

Exciting stuff!  But no doubt some of you have questions so get yourself to the Creative Critic Mini-Contest FAQ thread in the LEGO Pirate Forum for a Q&A session.

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