PICTORIAL REVIEW: 1733 & 1713 Shipwrecked Pirate


PICTORIAL REVIEW: 1733 & 1713 Shipwrecked Pirate

Yaaarrrr...no food or rum drives me crazy!

Yaaarrrr...no food or rum drives me crazy!

This set is merely an economised version of 6234 Renegade’s Raft and I don’t find it very exciting at all. There isn’t really anything clever about this set either and its design isn’t anything new or innovative. The rafts in 6248 Volcano Island and 6296 Shipwrecked would make better standalone sets.

What’s could be put to good use in a MOC… The mini-figure… A flag… An oar… An antenna… And that’s it! This set is very disappointing as it lacks content, creativity and innovation. 1 star…

Rush to the Pirates forum to discuss this 1713/1733 Shipwrecked Pirate review, written by the Illustrious Mister Phes!

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