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PICTORIAL REVIEWS: 6241 Loot Island by Paul Cantu & Lego12

Forum users Lego12 and Paul Cantu have both reviewed the new Pirate set, 6241 Loot Island.  The result is two very different reviews for you to peruse.

Lego12’s 6241 Loot Island Review

6241 Loot Island - now wheres the loot?

6241 Loot Island - now where's the loot?

6241 Loot Island Mini-Figures

6241 Loot Island Mini-Figures taken by Lego12

As you can see in the above picture the beard piece makes an official apperance in a Pirate set for first time ever and it’s very suited to the Robin Crusoesque mini-figure which it adorns.

Once again Lego12 has packed his review with glorious pictures, so get yourself to the Pirate LEGO Forum to feast your eyes upon them!

Paul Cantu’s 6241 Loot Island Review

6241 Loot Island Set Review by Paul Cantu

6241 Loot Island Set Review by Paul Cantu

Forum user Paul Cantu has also created a review of 6241 Loot Island, while not as comprehensive as Lego12’s review it offers a different perspective of the set.

So once again, get your to the Pirate LEGO Forum to read Paul Cantu’s 6241 Loot Island review.

How much do the new Pirate Sets costs?

Forum user Card has spotted the 2009 pirate sets at a Toys R Us in the USA and he’s kindly shared his findings.  We’re not yet certain if these are the recommended retail prices, but you can still check them out in the New Pirate sets at Toys R Us thread.

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