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Pictorial Review: 6253 – Shipwreck Hideout, by Moose

Moose’s first review is one we will all like to see! It is about the limited edition set: 6253 Shipwreck Hideout, a 310 piece, 6 minifig rich Pirate base set! 2 of the minifigs are Imperial Guards, the rest are Pirates, including Captain Brickbeard himself.

Click here to see Mooses pictorial review of 6253 Shipwreck Hideout in the Pirates forum

Limited Edition, people! Buy it NOW!

But I am not going to say much more about this set down here, if you want to know more you better go read forum user Moose’s review. You can find more pictures there as well, and if you want to buy it, go look at the Toys R Us New Pirate Sets thread!

Now come on over to the Pirates forum to read Moose’s review and discuss Shipwreck Hideout!

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