Ship MOCs


The Gasp©e Affair by SirNadroj

SirNadroj, one of Eurobrick’s best builders AND a native-Rhode Islander, has created this beautiful MOC for us: the HMS Gasp©e being attacked by the Patriots.
Click here to discuss The Gasp©e Affair in the Pirates forum!

The HMS Gasp©e

The Gasp©e Affair was a significant event in the American Revolution. 

The HMS Gasp©e, a British revenue schooner that had been vigorously enforcing unpopulair trade regulations ran aground in shallow water, on June 9, 1772 near what is now known as Gaspee Point in the city of  Warwick, Rhode Island while chasing the packet boat Hannah.

In an act of defiance that gained considerable notoriety, the ship was attacked, boarded, stripped of valuables and torched by American patriots led by Abraham Whipple. Click here  to read more about it on Wikipedia!

So come on over to the Pirates forum to discuss SirNadroj’s MOC: The Gasp©e Affair!

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