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LEGO 43212 Disney Celebration Train with Peter Pan & Pirate Ship Sail
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LEGO 43212 Disney Celebration Train (2023)

Where to Buy 43212 Disney Celebration Train?

This set is currently available for purchase on* for US$39.99, £34.99, CA$49.99, €39,99 and AU$59.99.

* Affiliate link provided by Rakuten advertising

Aiming to procure one cheaper?  Try fishing around on eBay – you may get a better deal with free shipping.

LEGO 43212 Disney-Celebration Train on eBay

Yer just got to find an auction nobody else bids on!

And of course, there is the ever faithful Bricklink.

Original Announcement

The Classic Pirates have mercilessly recently disappointed you with rumours of a new official pirate-themed set… that isn’t the type of set LEGO Pirate fans most desire.

So now we’re going to disappoint you again with news of an upcoming set which contains a pirate ship sail…  but the set itself doesn’t fit within the LEGO Pirates theme.

The Set Details

In celebration of the Walt Disney Company’s 100th anniversary, The LEGO Group will be releasing a commemorative set named 43212 Disney Celebration Train aimed at children from age 4 onward.

What the blazes does a train have to do with LEGO Pirates you may ask?

LEGO 43212 Disney Celebration Train with Pirate Sail

And there be the new sail which compelled the Classic Pirates to write this blog post

The train offers an assortment of carriages, each sporting a Disney themed design, complete with minifigures based upon various intellectual properties owned by the Walt Disney Company.

The locomotive features balloon wielding Mickey Mouse, while the carriages showcase Woody from Toy Story, Moana from ummm…. Moana, and Peter Pan accompanied by Tinkerbell – but not necessarily in that carriage order. Oh, and Minnie Mouse is bringing up the rear in a pagola which appears to be sheltering a plus-sized cupcake… or whatever that oozing mess is supposed to resemble.

Front Box of LEGO 43212 Disney Celebration

And this is the front of the box

Back of the Box for LEGO 43212 Disney Celebration

And on the back of the box we get to see some imaginative alternate builds… oh wait!

And wouldn’t yer know it!  The Peter Pan carriage is pirate ship-themed, garnished with one of those red and white striped sails The LEGO Group adores so much.  This sail is even decorated with a Jolly Roger, but in an imaginative twist, one of the crossbones sprouts a hook – good to see they’re innovating!  The oblate cranium persists, however… Anyone long for the original 1989 Jolly Design? Yer know, the historically accurate one…

Close up of carriages in 43212 Disney Celebration Train

And now for a closer look…. What if we tore the undercarriage off?

The set is expected to contain 200 pieces and will be available in April 2023 with a retail price of 39.99 Euros… but we’ll leave the currency conversion to you!

The Walt Disney Company survives to the ripe old age of 100 in October, 2023.

43212 Disney Celebration Train Lifestyle Image

Do yer feel the century old magic permeating through yer veins after seeing this?

What Good is this Sail to LEGO Pirate Fans?

The Classic Pirates do not blame you in the slightest if yer rather not incorporate this Puffing Billy into yer LEGO Pirate collection.

And nary a doubt that many irate LEGO Pirate fans be grumbling “Just bloody-well report on proper pirate sets!”

Believe us, we’d love nothing more than to deliver such tidings, so don’t blast the mail ship – we just deliver the news!

LEGO Pirate Sails for Smaller Ship

This is what’s been officially released in the past

The upcoming sail however, may prove useful to builders of smaller vessels who lack the patience time to create their own sails, or avoid repurposing dingy sail pieces from sets 6261 Raft Raiders or 6267 Imperial Trading Post.

We’re not 100% certain of the material its comprised of, but it may lean towards plastic rather than fabric.

So if ye aspire to build a petite craft along the lines of Marooned Marin’s “Warty Crab” or one of Legostein’s smaller creations this sail may hit the spot!

The Warty Crab ship

Marooned Marin’s Warty Crab requires you to make your own sails

The Jolly Boat by Legostein

Legostein’s “Jolly Boat” – another type of small vessel which could make use of the smaller sail

Or as suggested earlier… tear the undercarriage off and yer may have the workings of a small ship upon a custom hull….  but yer probably want to be adding more of yer own ingenuity to the overall design.

What Do You Think?

Will this new sail piece be useful?  If so, what would you use it for? Or do you prefer to ignore it completely and make your own custom sails? After all, there is only so many red striped sails a LEGO Pirate fan can handle!

As eternally always, share your thoughts on the new sail with the Classic Pirates in the LEGO Pirates Forum!


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