PTVLand Based

PTV ENTRY: Paul Cantu – The Raid on the Governor’s Mansion (large division)

Click here to go to Paul Cantu's large PTV entry in the Pirates forum!

Paul Cantu - The Raid on the Governor's Mansion

The ever so dreaded Captain Snibly had a growing dislike for the the Spanish governor, Senor Raul Pablo.

It all started when the governor bought the last high quality wig(the wig Captain Snibly had been robbing every ship, so that he could save enough money to buy it) So Captain Snibly formed the most ruthless crew of pirates in all the Spanish Main.

There mission: attack the governor’s mansion and retrieve the wig at all costs. Of course he also told them to take any other valuables the governor might have. And now the battle is ON!!

So let’s vote for your favourite entry in the Pirates forum.

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