What is the cutest LEGO animal? Could it be the kitten? What about the bunny rabbit? Maybe even the teddy bear?
Nay! According to Yatkuu, it’s the Hermit Crab. He’s so smitten by these little nippers he’s built an entire fortress in their honour.
And this isn’t a fortress to scoff at! It’s a hefty blue coat Soldier stronghold perched atop a rocky bluff, overlooking a glistening cove.
Yatkuu writes:
I dedicate this Imperial Fort to the cutest LEGO animal ever made… the Hermit Crab.
This Fort has a full interior with an armory, prison cell, kitchen and some barracks. You can check the album here.
Thank you Pixel Fox for the crabs! (the crustaceans 😉 )!

If we pop the top off; from above you can see the interior layout of the fortress… and where they keep the rum…

How many hermit crabs have you spotted so far? Despite the name, Governor Broadside doesn’t seem to have a crab infestation on his hands… at least.
“Sacre bleu, what is zis? How on earth could I miss such a sweet, little succulent crab?” a great chef once sung.

This fortress may actually be impregnable if it had more firepower – just one cannon in a big fort like that? Seriously?
About the Builder…
Yatkuu (Gregory Coquelz) is a loyal supporter of the Classic Pirates Flickr Group, so we plucked the photos of his fortress straight from the photostream (even though we claim our source is the Instagram post we made a while back).
But there’s more to him than just a mere hermit crab loving aficionado. He’s actually, a talented builder in his own right, evidenced by the stream of photos he shares via his Flickr account. Although, not a dedicated LEGO Pirates builder, he does have a diverse selection of MOCs, encompassing many styles and themes.
So, after you peruse his creations, drop by the LEGO Pirates Forum to discover more great LEGO Pirate creations.