The new pirate-themed LEGO Creator Gift With Purchase has been officially named in time for Halloween!
LEGO Creator set 40597 Scary Pirate Island contains 214 pieces and will be available from* between October 13-22 with purchases (estimated) over US$100, although purchase thresholds and regional dates have not yet been officially confirmed.
The new set harkens back to the likes of 6248 Volcano Island with a hint of 6296 Shipwreck Island, both of which sailed into stores during the sunset of the Golden Age. In other words, 1996.
In favourable stroke of ingenuity, 40597 Scary Pirate Island deviates from the well-trodden skull island concept, with its rocky outcrop resembling the gaping maw of a ravenous shark. Yet there be little else to strike fear into the souls of hardened buccaneers; the titular “scariness” may be attributed to the inclusion of a bat for the first time ever in a pirate-themed set. But unlike its aforementioned predecessors, a complete skeleton be absent, so yer must make do with just the noggin!
At the very least, 40597 Scary Pirate Island will compliment yer second (or third) 10320 Eldorado Fortress purchase – what? Don’t tell us yer haven’t made yer first purchase yet?*
* official affiliate link provided by Rakuten Marketing
Digging Deeper
Beyond the initial leaks which sprang during mid September, social media be whispering of promotional images and photos from them who got their clutches upon the actual set.
This particular promo image appears to have washed ashore from Jay’s LEGO Blog using information from the Bricks Thailand LEGO Certified Store who also posted an announcement on their Facebook Page. Now, if only we could gather such information from outside waters, we could rule provide coverage for the entire world! No doubt the specifics are headed straight towards us, so remain vigilant for details…

Front box of 4059 Scary Pirate Island photographed by Bricking747

Back box of 4059 Creator Scary Pirate Island photographed by Bricking747
The above two images were photographed by the highly talented Bricking747 so be sure to give that Instagram account a royal escort follow if you appreciate fine photography of classic LEGO sets.
What Do Yer Think?
Is this pile megalodon masonary scary enough to weigh anchor in yer LEGO Pirates collection? Or will ye sail right past it, turning a blind eye as though it be feeble flake?
Now the hour is upon us, navigate towards the LEGO Pirates Forum or Facebook Group or Facebook Page to discuss 40597 Scary Pirate Island more thoroughly and let yer true feelings be known!