1st March 2023 UPDATE
From the Instagram account of set builder Stuart Harris:
Avast ye! today be the day the new LEGO House exclusive set 40504 ‘A Minifigure Tribute’ hits the shelves. Available only in the LEGO House LEGO Store for 599DKK or several Doubloons 🙂 In order to celebrate and promote the launch our store staff will be wearing these distinctive badges of Captain Redbeard and if you ask nicely they might even speak like a pirate too!
So what is the current market value of a several authentic doubloons?
Where Can I Buy One?
If your busy schedule prevents you from detouring to LEGO House in Denmark, not a problem! We shall now take a gander at alternative options for acquiring this set…
Have ye thrown a glance towards eBay*? It’s the bay with all the auctions…

Hours after its release this is what it costs on eBay*…
Just several hours after its release the set begun appearing on eBay at ridiculously inflated prices, prompting many fans to pummel social media with their frustration.
* affiliate links provided by eBay Partner Network.
So what about good, old Bricklink? Well glad yer asked!
Avast! There’s Piraten’s Shop in the list! Since that kind lad generously granted us permission to share one his event photos (later in this post) let’s give him a shout out…
If yer must buy from Bricklink, buy it from an authentic Dane! YARRR! Buyers in the Netherlands and surrounding countries may disagree…
Not Enough Booty to Buy One?
Are these options still a too far beyond yer reach? Well bugger! Remember maties; they’re called “exclusives” because they “exclude” people.
Building Instructions
Should ye be eager to acquire this set yet too geographically or financially challenged to purchase one, would it alleviate your frustration to learn free building instructions were available?
Well, if you’re avid builder with bricks to spare, the good news is you can download building instructions for 40504, Build a Minifigure from LEGO.com.
If you’re not an avid builder, well… too bad!
Just kiddin’ yar!
The building instructions are also overflowing with fascinating information and gorgeous photography covering the history of the set, LEGO House and the set designers. So, it’s well worth reading even if you lack the desire to construct the Classic Pirate Captain yerself.
Excerpt from Page 8
Tree of Creativity – Captured by pirates.
Of course the centrepiece of LEGO® House, the impressive Tree of Creativity, also holds its share of LEGO minifigures and, of course, pirate minifigures. In fact, they occupy an entire section of the tree. The pirate branch features beloved models from the classic LEGO Pirates theme including a pirate island, an imperial fort and an epic sea battle between Captain Redbeard’s Black Seas Barracuda and an imperial flagship.
Here be the download link – go treat yerself to the visual and factual feast that lies within!
The Official Announcement (25 February 2023)
If yer been keeping pace with the Classic Pirates yer should know we intercepted a rumour regarding an upcoming pirate-themed set which was about to be announced.
Well, by thunders it’s been officially announced on the LEGO House website and now we can confirm the images circulating earlier were indeed the new 40504 A Minifigure Tribute set.
We can also confirm the set has 1,041 pieces and retails for 599 DKK ($85 USD / AU$126) exclusively at the LEGO House store from March 1 onward.
The set features Captain Redbeard as a brick-built figure approximately 30cm/11.811′ tall, holding a treasure map which contains cryptic references left by the product designers. And if yer look closely, you’ll find a blue LEGO House wristband behind the hook.
Aye, we know there be many a LEGO Pirate fan with hands clasped to their face, wailing in frustration; “why can’t we have a classic-style set like a ship or fort? WHY LEGO Group? WHY?!?!?”
While other be shrieking; “Why must this set be a House Exclusive? I don’t have time to swing by Denmark on my home from work so obtaining one will be extremely expensive and challenging!”
But let’s rejoice for them who be genuinely interested and able to acquire this fine sculptural piece.
The Box
Here be the official packaging…

Here be the front of the box – would yer like to see it unboxed?
Don’t forget to have your box signed by the designers!
The LEGO Group Announces:
LEGO® House Exclusive – A Minifigure Tribute
This year marks the 45th anniversary since the LEGO Group launched the very first LEGO minifigure in 1978. Since then, more than 10 billion minifigures have been produced in more than 8000 variants.
You can take part in celebrating the legendary minifigure by building the iconic Captain Redbeard, this year’s LEGO House Exclusive set. The finished figure, complete with a peg leg, pirate hat, and hook, is approx. 30 cm. high and consists of 1041 bricks.
This exclusive set is sold from 1 March 2023 and is only available in the LEGO store in LEGO House, Billund, Denmark.
Each year, the LEGO House Exclusive sets pay tribute to the most iconic LEGO Group stories. ‘A Minifigure Tribute’ is the fourth set in the series. These special sets can only be bought in the LEGO Store at LEGO House.
Want to Meet the Designers?
Be out the front of the LEGO House LEGO Store between 4 and 5PM CET on the March 3rd or 17th.
There, you can meet and greet the LEGO designers responsible for this product, Stuart Harris and Markus Rollbühler. Concept models shall be presented for all the world to see, and you can even chat with the designers who will enable you to “get your box signed“. Although, the official information doesn’t specify which “box” exactly.
UPDATE 2 March 2023
Well blow me down! Turns out the designers will sign MISB Classic LEGO Pirate sets! So far no confirmation on whether the boxes need to be in mint condition or whether they must be sets they designers and conceived themselves… or maybe they love signing everything!

MISB LEGO boxes for 6265 Sabre Island and 6255 The Golden Medallion comic signed by Niels Milan Pedersen and Stuart Harris
One of Classic Pirates’ star contributors, LEGO Ideas 10K Club Member and LEGO MASTER Semifinalist 2022 Denmark, Piraten (Brian Steffensen Vestergaard) attended the March 1 event. As you may observe from the above photo he not only got his 40504 A Minifigure Tribute signed, but also the boxes for classic sets 6265 Sabre Island and 6255 The Golden Medallion comic – WOW!
In a recent Instagram post, Piraten writes:
What a day ! Thank you to @legohouse , @masterbuilder_stuart and @moriartus
And off course the legend Niels Milan for the experience and storys from the time Redbeard was created. Got the sealed 6265 and the comic signed by Milan
Just remember, there be further opportunity to mingle with the designers at the LEGO House LEGO Store on 3rd and 17th March between 4.00 and 5.00 pm CET.
Did you know 10 Billion Minifigures have Been Produced?
It’s hard to imagine LEGO play without the minifigure.
Who is the tiny LEGO minifigure really? The answer may surprise you because the minifig was created to be you. With the minifigure, you can magically become part of any LEGO build. You can sail the oceans like Captain Redbeard, the model you can build in this year’s LEGO House Exclusive box, just to name one example. He was originally part of the 6285 “Black Seas Barracuda” box, a large pirate ship with two masts, sails, a crew, and of course a real pirate captain. Now he has become his very own LEGO set – with 1041 bricks and lots of building fun!
The minifig was created to be me? Then why did yer trademark me so I can’t reproduce meself elsewhere?
Special Events which YOU Can Attend
In Person
Get out and meet people in the real world! Aye, the real world of little plastic people.
You can attend in person on March 1st at 4:15pm CET at LEGO House. You shall witness Redbeard being presented live by the designers, along with the background information on how this set was developed.
The ticket price will be a paltry 799 DKK per person and this includes the Redbeard set exclusive valued at 599 DKK… so the event only costs 200 DKK – a steal, really…
Or you can watch online on March 2nd at 3.00pm CET live at Instagram which will be the same thing, just cut short after the Q&A ends (no play time for you!), only with a camera pointed at the designers.
So follow LEGO House on Instagram or you won’t know where to watch.
Wait! Who IS Captain Redbeard?
If yer a youngin’ who’s just enrolled in the Classic Pirates crew, Captain Redbeard was the original LEGO Pirate captain who debuted along with the LEGO Pirates theme back in 1989 – aye, between 50 or 60 years ago, or something… He was originally included with 6285 Black Seas Barracuda, 6270 Forbidden Island and 6251 Pirate Minifigures… and the Imperial Soldier set 6276 Eldorado Fortress.
Over the years various other pirate captains have appeared, including the infamous Ironhook and Brickbeard, but Redbeard has prevailed, undergoing various design updates.
Conceived by Niels Milan Pedersen (aye, that his papa), Redbeard is the first LEGO minifigure to sport a beard and deviate from the standard minfig mould to include piratical features like a hook and pegleg.
The official press release also offers a rationale for the enlargement of the good captain:
The original Captain Redbeard minifigure from 6285 Black Seas Barracuda was created by Niels Milan Pedersen, and we chose to recreate this iconic figure in large scale for this year’s LEGO House Limited Edition set. Niels has been involved in the development of many popular LEGO sets during his long but still-active career as a LEGO designer. However, of all his many sets, his favourite set is still 6285 Black Seas Barracuda from 1989.
Captain Redbeard is an intricate design with lots of fun details such as a hook for hand, peg leg, epaulettes on his shoulders, and a black captain’s hat with the ‘Jolly Roger’ emblem. All of that is meticulously recreated in this new set. The build stands 30 cm tall and consists of 1041 LEGO bricks and as a little extra detail, the pirate has a LEGO House bracelet on his hook hand and a treasure map in his hand with a secret reference to the designers behind the product!
They seem to have forgot to include a parrot!
Who Are These Designers, Anyway?
A handful of aspiring reviewers have already received a preview of the set and a presentation of its development from Stuart Harris and Markus Rollbühler, along with a special appearance by Niels Milan Pedersen.
Here are some stills…

This be “Master Builder” Stuart Harris… thinks we seen him in that other Instagram video
Unboxing Video
If yer curious about what’s included in the box and the figure’s articulation be sure to take a gander at this:
Spoiler alert: the map is actually a sticker! Alas, there be no gigantic printed map tile.
Bonus Minifigure
We are able to confirm the review copies of the set include a bonus minifigure but still aren’t certain whether the minifig is included with the standard release.
Here is a video review by Ashnflash.
A speed build by AustrainBrickFan
iTavix Instagram Review
iTavix has reconstructed the set digitally and shared the result in a series of images as an Instagram carousel.

This is just the first of seven images – be sure to follow iTavix on Instagram for the complete series
LEGO 40504 A Minifigure tribute digital version
The assembly process of this set is actually identical to that of the two Hogwarts students and the difference will be only on the accessories or on the aesthetic variations such as the wooden leg or the front part of the torso,a nice little nod from the designer can be found instead inside the head which houses a micro-island with its palm tree, clearly not visible anymore afterwards, but it’s a fun detail during the building process. Too bad perhaps for the two stickers present .. the map of Denmark still contains some amusing references such as the marking of the position of Billund with a red cross, the presence of the Black Sea Barracuda in the upper left or the use of a skeleton head in the middle of the compass. A set that as we know will be an exclusive of the LEGO HOUSE and that I’m sure fans will certainly want to have.. for now I told myself to build it “only” digitally..Follow @itavix for other MOC and NEWS on the world of bricks
Piraten Instagram Overview
Brain has opened his and created this fine video for us…
And remember to follow Piraten on Instagram for more superb LEGO Pirate content.
What Do Yer Think?
Does this announcement warm the cockles of yer piratey heart? Will/have you attempt to procure your very own 40504 A Minifigure Tribute? Or are you seething with disappointment because yer hopes were held high for a classic-style LEGO Pirates set?
Have ye been to LEGO House in Denmark for the event, purchased one of the sets, or got anything signed by the designers?
Share your thoughts and experiences with the Classic Pirates in the LEGO Pirates Forum or on the Facebook Post so we can cheer together… or console you, if that’s what you need.