Pirate MOCs

Photo of "Crossed Bones Clipper" by Elephant Knight
PiratesShipsSet Remake

“Crossed Bones Clipper” by Elephant Knight

Elephant Knight shared a redesign of the classic LEGO ship, 6250 Cross Bone Clipper. Well perhaps “redesign” is a bid modest!  This is a major upgrade of a smaller vessel into a ship so large and fearsome, it would strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest Soldiers and Imperial Guards!

So don’t be forced to walk the plank… Get your bones in motion of the ocean and click here without delay to discuss evasion tactics before it’s too late!

Elephant Knight writes:

Yup. Got another one coming. This is what happens when I don’t build a new boat in a year and a half. I just start building them back to back to back, non stop almost. I’ve also had a decent amount of free time.

This current WIP is a pirate ship, going off of the colour scheme of the Cross Bone Clipper. It was my first Pirate boat, so it holds a lot of nostalgia for me.

And for for those not familiar with the original Cross Bone Clipper, here is a photo we stole (because we’re dirty rotten, thieving LEGO Pirates – YARRR!):

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