Set Remake Official Announcement
No longer a rumour! Plot a course to over to our 10320 Eldorado Fortress post for the official details and how you can get one.
Set Remake Rumour
If you’re looking for juicy details about the upcoming remake set, 10320 Pirates Vault, head over to our Eldorado Fortress Remake Rumour post.
Rumour no more!
Do you miss the glory days of LEGO Pirates? Well, if you do, you’re probably really old because it’s been more than three decades since the release of the original pirate sets (yes, the Classic Pirates aren’t afraid to bring home the hard truths!) Anyway, JorstadDesigns has redesigned the classic 6272 Eldorado Fortress to jolt your fading your memories!
“Redesigned” perhaps isn’t correct – he’s completely reimagined it. Awww, heck, it looks nothing like Eldorado Fortress. He’s built a completely new fort and named it “Eldorado Fortress“, because you know, he’s terribly unoriginal at naming MOCs brand familiarity. This one sees the Imperial Guards replace the Soldiers, and that old bugger, Broadside is nowhere in sight. But don’t worry, it’s made from 100% sustainable authentic LEGO bricks so you can be assured it won’t blow over during the next hurricane.
The Story
“Governor Broadside spent years at his post in Eldorado Fortress, waiting for the expected assault of his nemesis, Captain Redbeard. In his days as Commodore, Broadside was one of the famous few to have turned back Redbeard’s feared naval bombardments, but the notorious Redbeard has been missing for years without a trace. Promoted to Governor but growing old at his post, Broadside has ensured that his fortress is well prepared for any assault – the larder is stocked, the men are rested, and the cannons are loaded. But lately, passing ships have whispered strange new rumors of Redbeard. Tales of a remote island, a stranded ship, a Captain and crew thirsty for revenge setting sail once again… The Governor may be unaware of the secret treasure hidden beneath Eldorado, but he is certain Redbeard will come for Mary Brickless, prisoner of Eldorado for the past five years. Is Eldorado Fortress prepared for whatever threats may come next? Can Broadside return to his role as Commodore and rid the seas of Redbeard, once and for all? Only you can decide!”
JorstadDesigns writes:
Introducing Eldorado Fortress, built from 100% authentic LEGO® bricks and the perfect companion to LEGO’s® new Pirates of Barracuda Bay set! Although LEGO® has released some smaller imperial fortresses in the past, none were truly on the scale of LEGO’s® larger castle playsets. The new Pirates of Barracuda Bay set re-inspired us to create a fortress modelled on Caribbean architecture. As you can see, the fortress is named to play on LEGO’s® original Eldorado Fortress (set #6276). The Governor is named after the “Governor Broadside” that shows up in some older LEGO® literature/manuals. The main model uses 2,581 bricks, and the minifigures and accessories add ~150 parts to that.
The model features a watchtower, armory, prison, a secret cave with the hidden treasure of Eldorado, a larder, crew’s quarters, Governor’s room, and a harbor area with defensive cannon emplacements. Our personal favorite feature is the curved wall with three cannons overlooking the water! Everything is modular, allowing easy access to all play features. The prison features an ‘exploding’ wall, the cave is connected via a secret passage with retractable wall to the larder, and a trapdoor connects the larder to the crew’s quarters. More importantly, the set includes five spring-loaded cannons that can be positioned anywhere along the fort walls, allowing for quick defense against raiding pirates!
Instructions are available as a digital download from my website at

The Imperial Guards look annoyed because that monkey is about to do something inappropriate with that banana.
LEGO Eldorado Fortress MOC by Kyle Jorstad, on Flickr
About the Builder…
You’ll ocassionally encounter JorstadDesigns (sometimes called Kyle) contributing to the LEGO Pirates Forum on Eurobricks. You can even view all his builds on his personal website or admire his past work on Flickr, there are some quite substantial Star Wars MOCs , if you have a fondness for that galaxy, far far away.