Pirate MOCs

Featured Image for “It’s a Pirate Life for Me!” by Mrs Foutch

“It’s a Pirate Life for Me!” by Mrs Foutch

The Indigo Islanders made their LEGO Pirates debut in 1994 and unlike the name suggests, there is nothing indigo about them!  Well, perhaps that shade of purple splashed throughout their shields and sails could pass as indigo, but it’s certainly not a colour extensively present within the sub theme.

Fast-forward to the 2020’s…  The Indigo Islanders seem to have mutated evolved, or at least improved their war painting skills, because now the Islanders themselves are indigo! Like they’ve been bathing in blueberry juice or something…

In their honour, Mrs Foutch has constructed this nice little isle in which the Pirates have moved in next door… and are rudely helping themselves to the goodies the Islanders are offering to their gods.

Mrs Foutch writes:

Here is my new MOC. It’s a pirate life for me!

The pirates found a desolate rock and made it their outpost then found out the island is full of treasures.

The Islanders are bringing offerings to their god.

It opens up to see the inside of the pirate queen’s lair. You can also see the opening in the cliff that the pirates use to steal the Islanders offerings.

Pirates and Islander residences side by side

To the left we have pirates… to the right we have the Indigo Islanders… in the middle we have…

Islander paying tribute to the gods

And here’s where the Islanders give da goods to da gods!

The cave in the island's interior

Deep inside the island is a network of caves connecting one side to the other.  This is how those pesky pirates pilfer the Islanders offerings to the gods.

About the Builder…

Mrs Foutch (and don’t you be forgetting the “Mrs”), is a French Canadian teacher in her 40s who’s rediscovered LEGO and is having a “blast”, apparently!

Her motto is: “You can’t buy happiness but you can buy LEGO and that’s pretty close!”

So remember those words of wisdom while your browse her builds on Flickr and then move on to her Blockheads profile. She even submits contest entries to LEGO Ideas so give her a follow there as well.

And when you’re done being educated by Mrs Foutch, join us in the LEGO Pirates Forum for more great MOC discussions!

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