Soldiers (Blue Coats) MOCs

Featured Image for "El Puerto de Cartagena" by Stoertebricker
Soldiers (Blue Coats)Forts

“El Puerto de Cartagena” by Stoertebricker

Can pirate-themed forts be combined with the Hogwarts Clock Tower? Why would you even want to? What business does the Harry Potter franchise have in the LEGO Pirates universe?

Actually, come to think of it, the Harry Potter theme offers a wealth of pieces which suits the LEGO Pirates theme. So Stoertebricker has answered these questions in this in his latest MOC, El Puerto de Cartagena, and the answer is YES!

Stoertebricker writes:

Bienvenidos a Cartagena!

Lower your anchor, take a bottle of rum and relax from your adventurous voyage through the caribbean sea!

The harbour should reasamble the harbour of Cartagena de Indias which intense impression has burned into my mind after a visit there. The city was one of the first foundations made by the spanish and became one of the connection point for the gold and silver routes. The fortifications of the city have been raided several times until they have been build as strong that no one could conquer them again. In 1585 the famous pirate Sir Francis Drake did so and conquered and looted the city. In the same year the main cathedral was finished, too. So I hope you can see what brought me to this idea.




The harbour consists of 3 parts (by now…):

El castillo:


The fort on the hill could welcome you with a big volley so be sure that you are coming in on a frienndly mission.

It is situated on a rock with a cave underneath to hide some stuff you dont want to bring into the harbour. For pirates a skeleton shows then how they will be threated. The main tower is already been demolished and now converted to a small barrack. In front of the dorr there is a trap door throwing you into the cave. The fortress should be way bigger but for me it works as representing the first corner of the main fort. The doors lead you into the city…




The Colonial Warehouse51213722048_750032c9bc_z.jpg

With the warhouse I tried to reassamble the famous colonia architecture. I features a fishing gear shop and a warehouse whti a big balcony. From there you can have a nice view on the main square in front of the cathedral…


The Cathedral


The main cathedral looks like a fortification but due to the rich inhabitants it has nice stained glass windows. But these inhabitants do not belive very much in god but more in gold so the altar is filled up with all the treasures stolen from the surrounding natives all around the caribbean.

So come in and take a closer look! The cathedrals has detachable roofs and can be accessed by minfigs on all levels.


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Besides the cathedral there is right now the tavern from POTC but it can easily be removed to continue the pier to expand the harbour… (which I hope I can do!) :pir-huzzah2:

All in all I hope you enjoyed your stay and be ready to set sail for your next adventour!

– Captain Störtebricker

About the Builder…

Stortebricker is a regular contributor on both Eurobricks and LEGO Ideas. You can view more of his builds on his LEGO Ideas profile.


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