We’ve already established the good folk of the Brick Seas love a drink, or ten… but that’s just the tip of the spritzer. They even have sprawling wine festivals with floral arrangements to match their flags. A grandiose occasion to be sure!
CapOnBOBS expands his Brethren of the Brick Seas empire further with “RNTC Wine Garden, Lavalette“, an homage to grog guzzling events like Oktoberfest, only done in digital LEGO Pirates style. As you can see, the Soldiers are having tons of fun… Maybe a bit too much fun considering they go back on duty in 10 minutes!
CapOnBOBS writes:
The popularity of the RNTC [Blog post link to be updated]‘s Vineyard of Light wines has kept a steady pressure on the trade company to increase production and availability. This demand, plus the profits on sales of course… has led the Vineyard to purchase a prime piece of real estate in downtown Lavalette to showcase their wines.
With a style somewhat inspired by the large fest tents used in places like Punto Sur to celebrate Oktoberfest, the style is also recognizably consistent with the large sprawling vineyard buildings on the outskirts of town.

Everyone is getting drunk drinking responsibly, and they couldn’t be more thrilled with the new wine garden!
The Story
Now that the Vineyard of light owns a large artisan location downtown, patrons don’t need to haul themselves into the hills on the outskirts of the growing city in order to enjoy the popular wines right from the source.

Hey!! I forgot my ID… which one of you lovely Soldiers would like to let me in? Governor Broadside may need to pass a new law to allow minors.
A popular location now for the local garrison, the locals, and tourists, there is always a steady crowd enjoying a glass in the open air garden and the powerful scent of the flowers lining the seating areas.

Nothing to see here, just fermented regular old grape juice
For a little extra, you can pay to go up into the VIP loft. Many of the undeniably legitimate merchants, so legitimate that you would never need to bother specifying that they are legitimate because it is automatically assumed… like to flaunt their completely legitimately earned wealth by reserving the VIP for their loyal crews to reward them for their totally above board job performance.

They still need to get back downstairs. Was it good value for the gold they paid? For an amazing experience like this, absolutely!
All in all, a happening new spot to enjoy a bottle of the RNTC’s new popular line of Vineyard of Light wines any time of day, now accessible in downtown Lavalette.

Was this picture taken by Sea Eagle? No, Sea Eagle was drunk too.
About the Builder…
If you’ve visited Classic-Pirates.com previously, you’re probably aware CapOnBOBS is a regular contributor to Brethren of the Brick Seas. Yer know, the phenomenal LEGO Pirates building game which anyone insane enough to contribute with MOC building skills can join.
Follow the good CapOn on Flickr to witness more his digital wizardry – he doesn’t a use a single brick which exists in physical reality (that’s a lie).
Or, for more great MOCs, especially the Pirate themed creations, look no further than the Pirate MOCs subforum, benevolent child of the ever enduring LEGO Pirates forum. You’ll be amazed it’s lasted this long!