Pirate MOCs

Photo of "Battle for the Fountain of Youth by Simon S"
PiratesImperial ArmadaIslands

“Battle for the Fountain of Youth” by Simon S

Ponce de Leon gone crazy, y’all!  Behold this epic battle between LEGO Pirates and the Imperial Armada (gold standard upgraded edition) for the fabled Fountain of Youth.  Because what better way than to live forever than have a bloody battle?  Sure you may die trying to take control of the fountain, but if you’re fortunate enough to get a sip of that water, you’ll at least leave a youthful corpse behind.  Or does the fountain resurrect too?  Hey, wouldn’t be unfortunate if you drowned in the Fountain of Youth?

Even though Simon_S is primarily a LEGO Castle builder, he decided to try his hand at Pirates and built this wonderful scene.  Great part usage along with  building techniques make this a great creation.

Stop by the LEGO Pirates forum and comment on Battle of the Fountain of Youth!

Simon S Writes:

Hey guys

I’m mostly a Castle builder and I’m very active in the Guilds of Historica forum too. However, the Jolly Roger Contest 3.5 over at forbiddencove.com inspired me to finally jump into the pirate theme. I have done a build before, for the team building contest (with Soccerkid), but it was a fort and so completely different from this.

Here I present you: Battle for the Fountain of Youth

Battle for the Fountain of Youth by Simon S (9)

And to see more of Simon’s fantastic creations, check him out on Flickr.

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