Building MOCs

Featured Image for "The rat-catcher, Acropolis" by Ross Fisher

“The rat-catcher, Acropolis” by Ross Fisher

“It’s not enough!” yelled the Canon. Monsieur Gallo knew better than to interrupt him. “Meloche’s influence still lingers over those Isles. Heresy is everywhere, and all we have to fight it are spies among our own people? A lowly rat-catcher?”

“He is dedicated…” the notary volunteered, reluctantly.
“And so he should be!” his master retorted. “Bertrand would’ve swung for murder if not for me. But that is not the point! How are we going to convert the heathens if we do not take action?”
Gallo shrugged inwardly. It was not his place to strategise.
“Then what does your eminence intend?” he ventured.
“More,” Canon François responded, “we must do more…”


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