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Featured Image for "Westward Square Oktoberfest, Punto Sur" by Omnihash_cz
BuildingsPiratesBoBSDigitial Design

“Westward Square Oktoberfest, Punto Sur” by Omnihash_cz

It is that time of the year again… Oktoberfest! and the town of Punto Sur is hosting yet another festival, all thanks to omnihash_cz who has represented a part of this festival on outskirts of the city with such an amazing build – Westward Square Oktoberfest.


Overview of Westward Square

Punto Sur surely has fine architecture, even on its outskirts

omnihash_cz writes:

Small square on the edge of the city has been temoporary refurbished as a location for this year’s Punto Sur Oktoberfest. Couple tables, large beer keg from Punto Brau brewery, and a little something to eat, some makeshift dance podium and the party can start!

Gunnar is the leader of the Silverhair gang. His first Oktoberfest was 40 years ago but all he needed was couple jugs and nice bartender with promising smile to dance on the table like there is no tomorrow.


Food stand at Oktoberfest

That hot dog might be a bit over-cooked


Dance floor in Wesward Square

Everyone is showing off what they can do on the dance floor (including dancing, of course)!

Westward Square pub Oktoberfest concert

Gunnar surely got some moves, ask the ladies, not me!

Tudor house in Westward Square

Now that is one amazing looking tudor house. And take a look at those pink parrots!

I know what ye might be thinking – where are the pumpkins? But remember, this is the New Haven Sea, so far there have been no strange pumpkin mutations around here! What is strange might be the pink parrot invasion and the fact that they get away with selling over-cooked hot dogs. Punto Sur is the ultimate definition of freedom (Pirates, ye better keep yer distance. No one needs more trouble in such a fine town, especially from Captain Redbeard and his crew)!


What could Imperial Armada soldier dream of? Oktoberfest. What is it? I am glad ye asked, Oktoberfest is a widely known seasonal celebration, which this year is held in the Eslandolan town of Punto Sur.

As the announcement says, the festival has opportunity to sell all the old household food what every Eslandolian might have at their home lots of food and drink, traditional costumes, dances, contests, games, amusements and a lot more! Don’t be shy and come join the fun, It is definitely worth it.


Behind the scenes of Westward Square

A nice look behind the scenes

Behind the scenes of Westward Square 2

And even more behind the scenes. That lady better be careful, otherwise she will fall off the balcony!

Tudor building at Westward Square

Admit it, you hadn’t thought of using those cone pieces as roof technique, had you?

About the Builder…

Those who have been browsing the dark, shark and mermaid-infested subforum Brethren of the Brick Seas on LEGO Pirates Forum might have noticed omnihash_cz, who’s name isn’t Slim Shady, publishing so many awesome, colourful digital designs since June of 2021. His contributions in this short period of time have been nothing short of amazing! Accompanying his presence on BoBS is also his Flickr account with more amazing builds (along with pink parrots, over-cooked hot dogs and folk simply having a good time).


This and more creations by omnihash_cz and other fellow BoBS members, alongside with other amazing MOCs can be viewed at Brethren of the Brick Seas and Pirate MOCs subforums on LEGO Pirates Forum!


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